Sunday, January 23, 2011

Photos of quilt ladder and shelves

The laundry room shelves are adequate. I ended up taking the shelves off and cutting them again with the table saw. Much better, but the one warped board still made it challenging to get a perfect fit. I went ahead and sanded again and painted with the Rust-Oleum Ultra Cover 2x. I painted it in the garage, but had to bring it inside to dry. It's 5 degrees here. I had planned to put a wood panel on the back just to make it a little more secure, but we didn't have anything on-hand. So next time I'm at Home Depot or Lowe's, I'll pick up a piece of plywood for that. I'll use my leftover paint and paint it before I attach it. It's so plain, but keeps the clean look I like in the laundry!

Here's how it looked before paint, while I was still deciding whether to take it apart.

Here is my simple quilt ladder. I used a piece of oak hand railing for the frame (cut at Home Depot into 5 ft lengths so I could get it home). We mitred the oak at home to 22.5 degrees on both ends, determined by how far out from the wall I wanted it to rest. Then I cut (2) 1 1/8 inch diameter round dowels (48 inches long) in half using a chop saw for the four rungs. (Yes, there are a total of four--I could have taken a shot with no blankets!)

I tried to measure, mark, and glue everything before I started drilling, but I didn't have a good way to stabilize the project while the glue dried. So my helpful husband stepped in and pre-drilled all of the dowels for me, then set up (my) drill press and new Dremel to get a straight pre-drill in the railing. He's so smart!

Anyway, I had sanded all of the wood, and once it was completed I stained it with a natural satin polyurethane. I'm quite happy with my $35 project!

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